A very rare bronze of Tiridates II in exceptional condition
Los 143
KINGS OF ARMENIA. Tiridates II (?), circa 217-252. AE (Bronze, 23 mm, 4.21 g, 11 h). Bearded head of Tiridates II to right, wearing five-pointed tiara tied with a diadem; all within laurel wreath. Rev. 𐡕𐡊𐡓𐡈 / ɴ𐡌𐡋𐡁 / ΛIΛ ('trdt mlk' in Aramaic) within laurel wreath. Kovacs 203. Very rare and in exceptional condition for this usually crude issue. The obverse slightly double struck, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From an important collection of Armenian coins.

The legends on this issue are often blundered and hard to read, but it was probably struck by Tiridates II, whose father Chosroes was disposed by Caracalla in 214 or 216. Tiridates II was recognized as King of Armenia by Macrinus in 217 and the first Armenian King to strike coins since Tigranes VI in 66/7 AD - yet, as it turned out, also the last. He initially proved to be quite a successful ruler, but was eventually expelled from Armenia in 252 by the Sasanids under Shapur.
500 CHF
400 CHF
750 CHF
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